
    Haryana Health Infrastructure

    The Health care delivery system of any state is not possible without an appropriate healthcare infrastructure. Adquate infrastucture which includes buildings , equipment,supply and communication equipment forms a crucial part of Health Services. Health Subcenters , Dispenseris and Hospitals need to be managed by well trained staff with service perspective. Oral Health promotion, checkup and appropiate refferal and identification are an essential requirement at the PHCs, where as in CHCs, it is impreative to have a unit consisiting of Dental chair and set of dental equipment for examination, extraction and managment of dental problems.

    At Present Health Services are being provided through a network of-

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    Format for MLR 31.1.2012
    Accessible Version : View(88 KB)
    Haryana Medicolegal Manual 2012 31.1.2012.
    Accessible Version : View(2 MB)
    Letter of Govt. for Medico Legal Manual.
    Accessible Version : View(1 MB)
    Medical Judgements
    Accessible Version : View(1 MB)
    Medical Board
    Accessible Version : View(2 MB)
    Medical Facility To The Emergency Sufferers And Their Spouses Like Govt. Employee
    Accessible Version : View(2 MB)
    Instructions regarding availability of Ambulances and Anti-Rabies Medicines
    Accessible Version : View(529 KB)
    Instructions for referring the patient
    Accessible Version : View(571 KB)
    Guidlines for running Dialysis Units
    Accessible Version : View(1 MB)
    Instructions for refering the Medico Legal or ther case to the Higher centers
    Accessible Version : View(509 KB)
    Instructions regarding prisoners admitted in the Hospitals
    Accessible Version : View(457 KB)
    FAQ About PM
    Accessible Version : View(5 MB)